
Isola Sgraver Amph.Br. Site, San Vittore, GR Part

Isola Sgraver Amphibian Breeding Sites, San Vittore:

Federal Inventory of Amphibian Spawning Sites
    of National Importance - Stationary Objects
    (Federal Office for the Environment FOEN)
No. TI16
Name Isola Sgraver
Domain Bereich B
    (Nährstoffpufferzone und engerer Landlebensraum
    angrenzend an das Fortpflanzungsgewässer)
Area [ha] 5.7

Federal Inventory of Amphibian Spawning Sites
    of National Importance - Stationary Objects
    (Federal Office for the Environment FOEN)
No. TI16
Name Isola Sgraver
Domain Bereich A
    (dient der Fortpflanzung der Amphibien – alle Gewässer
    welche sicher oder potentiell der Fortpflanzung dienen)
Area [ha] 16.5

Other Awards Refs, Outside HBFF:
- DCS-GR037 San Vittore, Torre Palas
- DCS-GR034 Roveredo, Palazzo Trivulzio

FOEN Objectsheet:     Isola Sgraver

Web Page:                     Isola Sgraver

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