Trescolmen Federal Hunting Res., Mesocco (GR)
Trescolmen Federal Hunting Reserves, Mesocco:
Federal Inventory of Swiss Game Reserves
(Federal Office for the Environment FOEN)
Object name: Trescolmen
Object Nr.: 21
Total area [ha]: 2361.79596713
Category: III
Area [ha]: 457.874924052
Category: II
Area [ha]: 345.318035344
Category: I
Area [ha]: 1107.64980817
Category: II
Area [ha]: 450.953200041
Other Awards Refs, Outside HBFF:
- DCS-GR018 Rovina del Castello di Mesocco
- SOTA HB/GR-272 Piz Pian Grand
FOEN Objectsheet: - None -
Web Page:
© Data: Swisstopo, FOEN, public.geo.admin.ch